CData Acquires Data Virtuality, Modernizing Enterprise Data Virtualization

Customer Data Integration enabled by CData Virtuality

Improve customer experience by enabling a 360 degree view.

Understanding your customers and prospects’ behavior as individual entities by integrating all customer related data is the key idea of a comprehensive data-driven marketing concept. A well built customer data integration platform allows you to centralize the data from all systems that generate touch points with customers and prospects. This data foundation helps the entire company to better understand each customer for target marketing, improved customer service, product planning support, customer retention, etc.

CData Virtuality is a data integration and management platform that helps you to integrate all customer related data. You can simplify data management and data integration for a 360 degree view on your customers and prospects during their whole journey. This allows you to ultimately create memorable moments for the customers and achieve the following business goals:

  1. Lower customer acquisition costs 
  2. Better conversion rates
  3. Increased retention rates

Start your data journey with
CData Virtuality

Instant setup. No credit card needed. 

Your Key Benefits and Features

Customer Data Integration

Comprehensive 360 Degree View of Customer Profiles

Both historical and recent first and third party customer data can be combined in one single place for a comprehensive 360 degree view. The real-time data access allows you to react much faster to the latest events in the market and trigger specific activities by determining certain events within the customer journey. Finally, all customer related activities can be activated with the writing function of CData Virtuality.

Strong Security Measures

Security is a crucial aspect when working with sensitive customer data especially when you drill down to data on an individual level. CData Virtuality can be deployed on-premises which gives a secure foundation for your customer data integration efforts. Furthermore, with the real-time connection, the customer data doesn’t need to be physically moved. Making your system GDPR compliant.

Agile and Future-Ready Infrastructure

Once in place, CData Virtuality functions as the central hub to connect new data sources and delivery platforms at any time. Furthermore, this infrastructure can be extended to cover other use cases in the organization.

Access Our Resources

In this Q&A paper Noel Yuhanna, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester, answers frequently asked questions about the Data Fabric architecture.
This ebook will give you a state-of-the-art overview of all data replication approaches and helps finding the right one for your organization.

Start your data journey with
CData Virtuality

Instant setup. No credit card needed.