CData Acquires Data Virtuality, Modernizing Enterprise Data Virtualization

Data Virtuality vs Denodo

Discover why Data Architects choose Data Virtuality over Denodo as their data virtualization platform. A deep dive into integration approaches, features, pricing, use cases, and more.

Data Virtuality rated
#1 by users

Chosen by data management professionals of enterprises, Data Virtuality is the preferred platform for data virtualization and data integration.

Data Virtuality vs Denodo Reviews
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3 reasons Data Virtuality is a
better alternative to Denodo

Data Virtuality seamlessly integrates data virtualization, ETL/ELT, streaming, and Change Data Capture (CDC) for maximum flexibility when managing data. With Denodo, you’re limited to logical data integration and need separate tools for physical data integration (ETL/ELT, CDC).

Data Virtuality focuses on making data virtualization easier to access and to use by offering a fully managed SaaS, enabling shorter time-to-market, and the lowest maintenance and administration needs (on-premise and VPC deployments are also available). Denodo does not offer its platform as SaaS.

With Data Virtuality, the constraints of solely logical or physical approaches are overcome, seamlessly supporting hybrid and multi-cloud integration, historical data access, data cleansing and more data use cases.

Data Virtuality is so easy to use that even our business analysts can use it and get the data whenever they need it. Now that the developers as well as business analysts can use the solution, we are not only more efficient but also cut cost by 80%!

Fred Dunant

DMO Manager at Crédit Agricole

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Dive deeper into 40+ insightful comparisons between Data Virtuality and Denodo across features and use cases.

Compare Features

Data Virtuality’s distinctive integration approach offers a more robust feature set compared to Denodo:

  1. Holistic data management approach: Data Virtuality offers both logical and physical data integration methods, while Denodo focuses only on logical integration.
  2. SaaS advantage: Data Virtuality provides a user-friendly SaaS platform for quick deployment and low maintenance. Denodo lacks a SaaS offering.
  3. Cloud connectivity: 200+ connectors and Data Virtuality’s cloud agent ensures seamless and secure connection between cloud platforms and on-premise sources.

Competitive data on this page was collected as of November 1st, 2023 and is subject to change or update. Data Virtuality does not make any representations as to the completeness or accuracy of the information on this page. If you spot any inaccuracies or need clarifications, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

Compare Use Cases

Data Virtuality and Denodo support a variety of use cases, yet notable differences exist in data movement scenarios. Data Virtuality uniquely blends data virtualization, ETL/ELT, CDC, and streaming, enhancing various use cases. It facilitates ‘lift and shift’ cloud migration in ‘Hybrid- and Multi-Cloud’ scenarios and tackles issues like API rate limits and data availability in ‘Customer Data Integration’ – capabilities not supported by Denodo.

Data Virtuality Platform
Denodo Platform
Data Fabric ?
Data Mesh ?
Self-Service Semantic Layer ?
Hybrid- and Multi-Cloud integration ? Partially - "lift and shift" migration of data to the cloud is not possible.
Customer Data Integration ? Partially - Denodo cannot replicate data from APIs to ensure historical analysis and minimizing direct API calls.
Data Governance ?
Data Services ?

Both Data Virtuality and Denodo are renowned platforms in the field of data virtualization. While each has extensive features for logical data integration, notable differences exist. Data Virtuality’s integrated approach combines data virtualization with ETL/ELT, CDC, and streaming, offering unique advantages across various use cases. Notably, in the ‘Hybrid- and Multi-Cloud’ integration scenarios, Data Virtuality supports “lift and shift” data migration to the cloud. For the ‘Customer Data Integration’ use case, Data Virtuality’s replication capabilities address challenges such as API rate limits, data retrieval constraints, and the short-lived availability of data.

For a comprehensive list of use cases and benefits of Data Virtuality’s unified integration approach, see:
What data challenges does Data Virtuality address more effectively than Denodo?

You're in good company

More than 150 businesses around the world rely on Data Virtuality
to make better use of their data.


Data Virtuality is a flexible data integration platform that delivers results faster and is easier to set up and use than Denodo.

Holistic Data Integration: Data Virtuality provides a unified platform that integrates both logical and physical data methods, along with ETL/ELT, streaming, and CDC, granting maximum flexibility. In contrast, Denodo focuses solely on logical data integration. 

SaaS Offering: Unlike Denodo, Data Virtuality offers a fully managed SaaS platform. This facilitates easier access, reduces time-to-market, and minimizes maintenance needs. Nevertheless, on-premise and VPC deployments remain available. 

Competitive Pricing: Data Virtuality’s entry-level plan is not only more affordable but also includes essential features that Denodo’s equivalent plan lacks.

Use Cases: By supporting both logical and physical data integration, Data Virtuality excels in diverse scenarios, such as hybrid and multi-cloud setups, and facilitates access to historical data. Its integration capabilities provide a robust tool-set, giving it an advantage over Denodo in addressing a broader spectrum of data challenges.

The major benefit of SaaS solutions compared to on-premises solutions is the reduction in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by more than 50%: “Industry research shows that the TCO for an on-premises system will be more than double that of a SaaS-based cloud solution.”

You can find an overview of the different deployment options (On-Premises; IaaS / BYOL; IaaS in a cloud marketplace; SaaS) and their detailed advantages and disadvantages in this whitepaper.

Data Virtuality leverages multiple data integration methods, offering the potential to address data challenges more effectively than singular platforms focused only on logical integration. Here’s how Data Virtuality differentiates itself from Denodo on common integration challenges:

Hybrid- and Multi-Cloud integration:

Data Virtuality facilitates seamless integration across various (cloud) environments, reducing single-provider dependency while ensuring data quality, governance, and cost-effective scalability. Unlike Denodo, Data Virtuality supports “lift and shift” migration of data to the cloud.

Customer Data Integration:

For a comprehensive view of customer data, integration from APIs is often essential. However, APIs present challenges like rate limits, data retrieval limits, and short-lived data availability. Data Virtuality not only provides access but also replicates API data, efficiently overcoming these challenges. This replication ensures you have access to historical data even if it’s no longer available or accessible through the API. In contrast, Denodo’s absence of API data replication capabilities makes it less versatile, especially when historical data retrieval is crucial.

Live Data Access Without Straining Source Systems:

Data Virtuality’s CDC feature allows for data offloading from legacy systems (e.g., Intersystems Cache) to high-performance databases. This not only reduces load on original systems but also enables direct, live data access via data virtualization.

Data Replication & Migration:

With Data Virtuality, you can utilize various replication types like incremental, batch, copy-over, upsert update, and slowly changing dimension type 2 (history update) to automate data movement.

Considering a switch from Denodo to Data Virtuality?

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Assisted Set-Up and Migration: Our Solution Engineering team will ensure a seamless transition of your setup to Data Virtuality.
  • Immediate Transition at No Extra Cost: There’s no need to wait for your Denodo contract to end. Begin with Data Virtuality now, and we’ll only commence billing after your Denodo contract expires.

For assistance and to kick-start the transition, reach out to our team at [email protected]

Interested to experience why Data Virtuality is the better alternative to Denodo?

Schedule your demo today.